
And that's a wrap for Leo Puzzle Hunt! Thank you to each of the 20 Leo teams which took some time out of their schedules to participate in the hunt. All in all, 8 teams finished the hunt—7 of them on Monday night itself—and 15 teams solved at least one puzzle.

The aim of Leo Puzzle Hunt was to provide a fun sample of puzzles, and hopefully pique some interest in puzzles among Leo residents. Judging by the 3 lounges full of people solving puzzles on Monday night, I think it might be safe to say that the hunt achieved its goal! :)




Behind the Scenes


RC1001 Maritime Communication

RC1003 Fortune Telling

RC1005 Water Traversal

RC1011 Advanced Celebrity Stalking

RC1013 Planet Colonization

RC1018 Infrastructure Deconstruction

RC4000 Reaching Conclusions